The Best Organic Fertilizers to Double Your Harvest

Do you dream of having an abundance in your harvest, but you dont know how to get there? It all starts from the grassroots level, quite literally. The hidden reason is that the quality and richness of the soil lead to healthy crops. 



Plants grow only when they take nutrients from the soil. But if your soil cannot provide enough nutrients, it affects production of the harvest. When this is the case, you cannot change the soil, but you can use Organic Fertilivers to do this work. 


Now, you might be thinking, Organic fertilizer? Does that even work? You can call organic fertilizers superheroes for your soil. The very first reason is that they have fewer chemicals and are nature-friendly. They dont just boost the quantity of your harvest but also maintain the quality of your soil over time.


Keep reading the article as we are talking about some of the best organic fertilizers. 



Best Organic Fertilizers for a Rich Harvest















There are a lot of options out there, promising to make your harvest bloom in no time. But organic fertilizers dont just make your crop better but also enrich the quality of your soil. Here are some of the best organic fertilizer options for you:  



1. Compost





































Compost is a classic natural fertilizer for your garden. It is made from organic things like kitchen scraps, yard waste, and manure. When these materials go through decomposition, they transform into nutrient-rich humus. Compost gives a balanced diet to the soil. Some of the nutrients that it offers include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 


Furthermore, it introduces beneficial microbes into the soil that support plant growth and repel diseases. It is simple to use compost; you just need to spread a layer of compost on your garden beds. Make sure to mix it well in the soil before planting. Regular application of compost improves soil health, leading to better yields and healthier plants.



2. Manure














Manure has been a primary fertilizer for farmers for ages, and for a good reason. Whether it comes from cows, horses, chickens, or other livestock, manure is rich in all the nutrients. It also carries organic matter that helps in improving soil structure and water retention. However, all manures are not the same.

Fresh manure can prove to be harsh on the plants, and it may burn them. Therefore, its best to compost it before using. Aged or composted manure is much safer and it releases nutrients slowly into the plants. The best time to apply manure to your garden beds is in the fall or early spring. Do not apply it to crops that are edible and close to harvest. 



3. Bone Meal










































Bone meal is a natural fertilizer that comes from finely powdered animal bones. It mostly comes from cattle and is a high source of phosphorus. This nutrient is one of the important pillars for root development, budding and flowering, and overall plant health. 


Bone meal is ideal for flowering plants, fruit trees, and bulbs, and it promotes strong root systems and vibrant blooms. To use bone meal, mix it into the soil when planting or sprinkle it around the base of plants. Be careful about the number of bone meal fertilizers because over-application can lead to a nutrient imbalance in the soil.


































4. Fish Emulsion 


Fish emulsion is a liquid fertilizer that comes from fermented fish residues. Fish waste and scraps are some examples of fish emulsion sources. Its strong odor can get on your nerves, but fish emulsion is a powerful fertilizer that provides a quick dose of nourishing elements. 


Fish emulsion is a high source of nitrogen, which makes it ideal for lush, green growth. Fish emulsion is a rich source of trace minerals and microbes that improve soil and plant health.


The application procedure is quite simple. You just have to mix fish emulsion with water as per the package instructions. It gives good results in growing plants as well. Hence, you can apply it every two weeks when plants are in the growing period. 

































5. Blood Meal 












A blood meal is another form of natural fertilizer. It comes from animal blood of cattle or pigs. It is a rich source of nitrogen, which is a key element for plant growth. A blood meal is beneficial for fast-growing vegetables like lettuce and spinach and for crops that need more nitrogen like corn and tomatoes. 


To use blood meal, sprinkle it around the base of plants or put it into the soil before planting. 


It is notable that it can attract animals like dogs and raccoons. So when you use it, be extra careful and also avoid direct contact with edible parts of your plants.



6. Seaweed Fertilizer


































Seaweed fertilizer comes from different types of seaweed and kelp, which are rich in trace minerals, vitamins, and plant hormones. It is a good choice if you want something versatile for your plants. This organic fertilizer helps vigorous growth, improves soil structure, and enhances plant resilience to stress and disease. 


Seaweed fertilizer can be applied to both the soil and foliage of plants, providing a quick nutrient boost and strengthening their natural defenses. Its especially beneficial for fruiting and flowering plants, as well as crops grown in poor or saline soils. Use seaweed fertilizer according to the manufacturers instructions, and avoid applying it during hot, sunny weather to prevent foliar burn.



7. Green Manure













You can take green manure as a power booster for your plants. It is a cover crop that is grown and tilled into the soil. It makes the soil structure better as it adds organic matter to it. Not only this, green manure also fixes nitrogen, prevents erosion and also reduces the growth of weeds in your garden.


To use green manure, sow cover crops in your garden in the off-season. When its time to plant the main crop, simply turn the cover crops into the soil to enrich it with nutrients.



8. Worm Castings





























Worm castings are worm excrements that contain helpful nutrients and bacteria. This organic fertilizer is a valuable addition to the garden because it improves the overall quality of the soil, which makes it more fertile naturally. 


Worm castings prove to be the best option for potted plants or kitchen gardens. Because they slowly release the nutrients. Hence, they dont burn the roots.


There are two ways to apply worm castings to your garden. The first way is to apply the castings directly to the soil. Or you could brew it into a nutrient-rich tea and apply it to the plant leaves. 



9. Bat Guano



















































Bat guano comes from bat droppings, and this fertilizer is high in nitrogen and phosphorus. Bat guano is also a source of micronutrients that are helpful in plant growth. Is it a concentrated source of nutrients that are released slowly, making sure that the plants dont burn? 


Bat guano is a natural pest repellent, which makes it a top choice for all gardeners. 


You can apply this versatile organic fertilizer as a dressing on top or mix it well with the soil. It is ideal to apply bat guano before planting on a plantation for best results. 



10. Comfrey

























Comfrey is a plant that is popular for improving plant growth and overall nutrition of the garden. Its leaves have high nitrogen, potassium pho, phosphorus and other micronutrients, too. 


You can apply comfrey in three ways:


  • Comfrey Tea: It is a liquid form of comfrey that is easy to apply. To make comfrey tea, you need to chop the leaves of the comfrey plant and steep them in water. This mixture needs the rest of 4-6 weeks, and then it is ready to apply. The ideal ratio is 1 part of comfrey tea and 10 parts of water.


  • Comfrey Mulch: If you dont want to go into the long process of making comfrey tea, you can simply apply comfrey mulch for the same nutrition. Simply cut the leaves and spread them in the base of your plants. When the leaves decompose, they will slowly release the nutrients. 


  • Compost Pile: It is another simple and hassle-free way to apply comfrey to your garden. You just need to include comfrey leaves in your compost pile. They will break down the organic matter and will add nutrients to your compost. 



Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers
























Organic fertilizers nourish the plants naturally. But they dont just benefit your garden; they also have a positive impact on the environment. 


Are you wondering How? Lets discuss 



Plant and Soil Health


















































1. Properly Balanced Nutrition
























Most of the organic fertilizers release their nutrients slowly into the soil. It matches the natural process of plants taking in nutrients from the soil.













2. Better Soil Structure

























These fertilizers contain organic matter that helps to create a crumbly soil structure. This texture contributes to better aeration, drainage, water retention, etc. 



3. Improved Microbes


























Organic fertilizers boost the growth of microbes in the soil. These microbes are responsible for making nutrients available for the plants. They also improve overall soil health.



4. Strong Root System

















Only healthy soil fosters a strong root system, leading to disease and pest resistance in the plants. Strong roots promote healthy plants, which eventually increases the harvest.





Environmental Benefits










































1. Sustainable Practice


















Organic fertilizers do not go against the natural environment of your garden. These fertilizers mix up with the soil naturally. Additionally, you dont have to worry about the nutritional spike or the presence of chemicals in your yield.













2. Less Pollution








Organic fertilizers do not cause severe water and soil pollution when you apply them. It is because they dont contain any synthetic elements.




















3. Safer for Animals





















Chemical fertilizers harm even the beneficial insects present in the soil. However, organic fertilizers are less harmful to insects, birds, and other wildlife.














Additional Benefits






























1. Better Quality and Taste










Many studies have suggested that using organic fertilizersenhances the quality and the taste of the fruits and vegetables. This also increases the nutritional value of your harvest.











2. Safe for Kids and Pets




































Organic fertilizers are way less toxic than the synthetic ones. You should definitely go for organic fertilizers if you have kids or pets at home because you will not need to keep them away from you while you apply fertilizers. 



3. Homemade Options




























There are a lot of organic fertilizers available out there. But if you have a small kitchen garden, you can make organic fertilizer at home easily by composting kitchen waste. 



Final Words






























Organic fertilizers are a sustainable way to double your harvest. You now know some of the great options of organic fertilizers that contain all the macro and micronutrients. 


You should note that these fertilizers are not quick when it comes to providing nutrition. Consequently, you need to apply it more frequently and repeat the application when needed. But by adopting these fertilizers, you are not just cherishing healthy plants but also bringing an environment-friendly approach to agriculture. Contact us to know which organic fertilizer suits your garden. 









































1. How do organic fertilizers differ from chemical fertilizers?


















Organic Fertilizers are mostly natural, and they come from compost or manure. They release nutrients slowly and are beneficial for soil health in the long run. 


On the other hand, chemical fertilizers are man-made. They give a quick spike of nutrients to the plants, but they deteriorate the quality of soil and cause water pollution. 



2. Are organic fertilizers safe for human health?















Organic fertilizers are mostly safe because they do not have synthetic chemicals. However, it is advisable to choose a fertilizer from an authentic and reputable company and always wash your hands after you apply it to your garden.




3. Are organic fertilizers more costly than synthetic




























Yes. Organic fertilizers are mostly on the pricier side than synthetic fertilizers. While synthetic fertilizers may seem a great option because of the lower price, organic options are valuable in the long run. 


You can also see organic fertilizers as an investment for a natural crop health and sustainable ecosystem. Synthetic fertilizers work quickly into the solid, but the harm they cause takes a long time to repair. 



4. Are there any drawbacks to organic fertilizers?





















Organic fertilizers are a natural way to boost your plant and soil health. However, they also have some limitations or drawbacks. These fertilizers are slow in releasing nutrients, which leads to a longer time for plant uptake. 


Organic options need proper process, as they carry the risk of weed seed.


Besides that, the composition of organic fertilizers varies a lot. And it is difficult to calculate the nutritional ratios.


Organic fertilizers also emit unbearable odors. Nevertheless, the advantages of organic fertilizers outweigh these drawbacks. 


Created on:2017-02-22 11:20
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