High temperature and dry weather, fertilization should grasp these 3 points!

In the high temperature and dry season, under the irradiation of strong light, the temperature of the bare ground can reach 50 ℃, evaporation is strong, and the concentration of surface water solution increases sharply. At this time, if the same amount of fertilizer is applied under normal weather, the crop yield will not only not be maintained or increased, but also may be reduced.



1. fertilizer varieties

On the one hand, phosphate fertilizer can be used more effectively at higher temperatures and produce good fertilizer efficiency; on the other hand, phosphate fertilizer can improve the utilization rate of water in the soil and promote each other. In addition, sufficient phosphorus can improve the utilization rate of nitrogen and play the role of nitrogen with phosphorus. Reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, especially carbon and ammonia which are easily decomposed by heat, because carbon ammonia are easily decomposed by heat and high concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer are easy to cause crops to burn seedlings.


2. fertilizer quantity

In the high temperature and dry season, under the irradiation of strong light, the temperature of the bare ground can reach 50 ℃, evaporation is strong, and the concentration of surface water solution increases sharply. At this time, if the same amount of fertilizer is applied under normal weather, the crop yield will not only not be maintained or increased, but also may be reduced. For example, when the precipitation is moderate, the application of 12 kilograms of pure nitrogen per mu of corn may yield high yields, and if the same amount of fertilizer is still applied during high temperatures and droughts, there is a risk of yield reduction. Some farmers reported that with last year's high temperature and drought, the fertilization level of Atractylodis ankylosis was the same as that of the year before last. As a result, the yield of Atractylodis attylodis atraj did not increase but decreased. Instead, the yield of those without fertilizer was higher than that of fertilization.



3. fertilization time

Fertilizing in the morning, although the personnel feel more comfortable operating, with the rising of the sun, the temperature rises sharply, the water is quickly evaporated, the crop absorption time is short, and the fertilizer utilization rate is low. Fertilizing at noon is not conducive to fertilizer absorption and personnel operation due to high temperatures. Fertilizing in the evening is not only suitable for personnel to operate but also can make up for the shortcoming of short crop absorption time (because the temperature drops at night and surface water evaporation weakens, water retention time is long), is the best fertilization time.


Created on:2024-07-26 11:46
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