The types of fertilizers can be divided into two types: inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer.

Inorganic fertilizer is chemical fertilizer, such as various nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or compound fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are commonly used in the planting industry: diammonium phosphate, urea, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, various compound fertilizers, and long-acting fertilizers such as stone, also called superphosphate, can be used on fruit trees.


1. Inorganic fertilizer

Inorganic fertilizer is chemical fertilizer, such as various nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, or compound fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are commonly used in the planting industry: diammonium phosphate, urea, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, various compound fertilizers, and long-acting fertilizers such as stone, also called superphosphate, can be used on fruit trees.



Nitrogen fertilizer: fertilizer with nitrogen nutrient elements as the main component, including ammonium bicarbonate, urea, ammonium chloride, ammonia, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, etc. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer to promote the growth of flower roots, stems, and leaves. Those inedible beans, peanuts, melon seeds, and oilseeds such as hemp seeds and hemp seeds are all good raw materials for nitrogen fertilizer. If these things are fermented and decomposed, diluted with water, and poured into the soil, the flowers will thrive.


Phosphate fertilizer: fertilizer with phosphorus nutrient as the main component, including ordinary superphosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, etc. The raw materials of phosphate fertilizer are fish bones, bones, eggshells, freshwater fish scales, cut hair, nails, etc. Mix these sundries evenly in the flower soil, or after fermentation and decomposition, add water to dilute and pour into the potting soil, which will make the flowers colorful, bright, and full of fruits.


Potassium fertilizer: that is, the fertilizer with potassium nutrient element as the main component, which is not used much at present, and the main varieties are potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and so on. The application of potassium fertilizer can increase the ability of flowers to resist lodging and prevent diseases and insect pests. Rice washing water, leftover tea water, and bottle washing water are all good potash fertilizers and also contain certain nitrogen and phosphorus.


Compound and mixed fertilizer: binary compound and mixed fertilizer containing two kinds of three elements of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and ternary compound and mixed fertilizer containing three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Among them, mixed fertilizer is promoted quickly throughout the country.


Trace element fertilizer and some medium element fertilizer: the former such as boron, zinc, iron, molybdenum, manganese, copper, and other trace elements of fertilizer, the latter such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and other fertilizers.


2. Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is farm manure, such as manure, rotting animal carcasses, or rotting plants. Organic fertilizers such as pig manure, chicken manure, all kinds of decomposed dead branches and leaves, and straw ash can be used as organic fertilizer.


The characteristics of organic fertilizer are a wide source of raw materials and large quantities. Nutrients, low content. The fertilizer effect is late and long, and it can be absorbed by plants after being decomposed and transformed by microorganisms. The effect of soil improvement is good. Commonly used natural fertilizer varieties are green manure, human manure, compost, biogas fertilizer, and waste fertilizer.



Compared with chemical fertilizers according to their nutrient content, the former has many kinds of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and trace elements, while the latter is single-, nitrogen fertilizer only contains nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizer only contains phosphorus, potassium fertilizer only contains potassium and even compound fertilizer only contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other limited nutrients. However, although organic fertilizer contains all kinds of nutrients, its concentration is relatively low. Take chicken manure as an example, its nitrogen content is about 1.6, phosphorus content is about 1.5, and potassium content is about 0.9, I .e. 100kg of chicken manure contains 1.6kg of nitrogen (n), 1.5kg of phosphorus (p2o5), and 0.9kg of potassium (k2o). Urea in chemical fertilizer contains 46% nitrogen, I .e. 100kg urea contains 46kg nitrogen (n), potassium chloride contains 60% potassium, 100kg potassium chloride contains k2o60 kg, and the nutrient concentration contained in chemical fertilizer is much higher than that of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers contain a lot of organic matter, which is not available in chemical fertilizers. After organic fertilizer is applied to the soil, it can release nutrients for crops to absorb after microbial decomposition and decay, while chemical fertilizer can play a role after being applied to the soil. Therefore, organic fertilizers contain many types of nutrients, low concentration, and slow release. Fertilizer is the opposite, nutrient single-, high concentration, release fast. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, organic fertilizer should be combined with chemical fertilizer application can foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, giving full play to its benefits.


Created on:2022-05-10 03:50
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